Creswell First! is Creswell’s local community foundation. The mission of Creswell First! is to connect people who care with causes that matter for the betterment of Creswell. One such project is to manage the Community Service Fund for the City of Creswell. The Community Service Fund purpose is to assist non-profit agencies and organizations that serve Creswell’s residents. It is funded by cigarette and liquor taxes and state shared revenues. No property tax dollars are used to support this fund. Projects that are funded for 2020 were recognized and awarded funds in a city hall recognition ceremony.
Organizations awarded funds were:
Community Food for Creswell ($2,500) The Creswell Food Pantry has asked for funds to pay for trucks to deliver food from Food for Lane to Creswell. That cost is $1,400. The Food Pantry has also requested funds for increased equipment for safe and secure food storage at the cost of $1,100. The total request of $2,500 was approved.
WomenSpace, Inc. ($2,500)In the Creswell area funding has provided rental assistance to keep abuse victims housed, deposits and fees to house families, and storage fees while they look for housing. Support has fed, clothed, and transported survivors to medical appointments. Creswell First!’s $2,500 support helps survivors work toward independence and a life free from violence and abuse.
Creswell Clubhouse ($2,500) The Creswell Clubhouse is located on the grounds of Creslane Elementary School. It provides an after-school program for 30+ children. The Clubhouse program helps them with their homework and builds their skills, while keeping them safe. In the past they have been able to use the school computer lab, but now they need to build their own computer lab and supplies. Their request of $2,500 was approved.
Creswell Family Relief Nursery ($2,500) The Creswell Relief Nursery needs to gain the support and involvement of parents who are under stress. The program has a therapeutic nursery on the grounds of Creslane where pre-school children attend. Successful outreach to the parents requires an increase in home-based services. The parents have so much stress in their lives they find it hard to keep appointments, attend parenting classes, and take advantage of what is available in the community. While help provided in the home is more staff intensive, it is what is required to meet the needs of these parents. Funding to increase outreach was requested at $2,500 and approved.
Summer Survival Kits Creslane ($600) Special Services at Creslane school last summer provided 40 individual students with summer bags of games, books, art supplies, and exercise equipment. These were students who were identified as having a greater need of behavior and academic support during the school year and who lack adult structure and support during the summer. The $600 requested for next summer was approved.
Summer Reading in the Park ($2,000) This reading program is run by the Intergenerational Reading Collaboration. Over the summer months middle-income children gain on reading tests while lower-income children lose ground This divergence results in an average gap of three months in reading skills. Studies show 61% of low-income families have no age-appropriate books in their homes. This summer program includes reading in the park AND supplying children with books of their choice. It has proven successful in eliminating the “summer slide” in reading skills. The funding request of $2,000 to purchase books was approved.
Family Resource Center ($2,500) The Family Resource Center’s goal is to assist families with school age children by connecting them with helpful resources. For these children to be successful in school, basic needs such as food, shelter, and safety must be met. Many of these families can’t afford these basic needs and the Resource Center connects them with outside agencies. They also fill in the gaps with their own funding. Creswell First! approved the Resource Center’s request of $2,500 to help these low-income children.
Creswell Heritage Foundation ($2,500) The school house renovation and restoration has been a project strongly supported by the city council. The Heritage Foundation has applied to Creswell First! for funds to modify this historic building so that it can be meet ADA standards and be used by disabled individuals. Funds from community service funding will be used to provide for construction of a bathroom and access ramp to the building. Their request of $2,500 was approved.